

Programme provisoire

Colloque International / International Conference

“The Somatics of Bhanu Kapil’s Emigrant/Immigrant Line.”

13-14 February 2025

Organized by the Université de Haute Alsace

ILLE laboratoire de recherche and the Department d'Anglais


13 February 2025:

16h30 ILLE Conférence by Bhanu Kapil:

« The Forest on the Border : Returning, Leaving, Returning Again »

Salle Ganjavi, FLSH, 10 rue frères lumières, 68100 Mulhouse (Campus Illberg)


18h Vernissage « Se Faire Plaisir »  

Kunsthalle Mulhouse Centre d’Art Contemporaine, 16 rue de la Fonderie, Mulhouse.


20h  ILLE presenters dinner.



14 February 2025:

Amphi Weiss, Bâtiment des amphithéâtres - Université de Haute-Alsace

6 rue frères lumières Mulhouse (Campus Illberg)


8h45             Coffee & Registration

9h15             Welcome!  Opening remarks from organizers and UHA.

9h30              Panel 1: Performance to page: opening reflections on Kapil
                        Chair: Fabrice Shultz

·       Alev Ersan (independent artist, Istanbul/Paris) 

      “Processes of Weeding and Gardening: Bhanu Kapil’s Many forms of Writing”


·      Lily Beckett (University of Bristol, England)

Negotiating Borders: Between Performance and Writing in Bhanu Kapil’s Ban en Banlieue (2014)


Brief Coffee Break


11h15          Panel 2: Two Readings of Ban en Banlieue
                       Chair: Rasha Alshbli (UHA-ILLE)


·       Andrew Hodgson (Université Paris-Cité, France)

“A Novel-Shaped Space”: The Negative Capabilities of Bhanu Kapil’s Ban en Banlieue


·       Vivian Alividza (UHA Master 2 Anglais)

Fragmented identity: The interplay between “I” and “Her” as a dissociative response to trauma in Ban en Banlieue


12h30-14h Lunch Break


14h          Panel 3: Two Readings of Schizophrene
                 Chair: Samuel Ludwig
(Pr, UHA)


·       Matthew Rana (Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis; Independent researcher in Stockholm)

A Sinthomatic Reading of Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene


·       Mantra Mukim (Eutopia-SIF; UMR Héritages, CYU Paris)

      Glitchwork: Bhanu Kapil and the Circuitry of the Book


15h30   Coffee Break

15h45         Panel 4: Self/Other: reading outwards with Bhanu Kapil
                    Chair: Sid CAMPE (UHA-ILLE/ Université Mazarik (Brno)

·       Biswamit Dwibedy (American University of Paris)

Story form as critical introduction—Meeting Pinky Agarawala


·       Jennifer K Dick (UHA-ILLE)

Coming Full Circle: Incubation: A(nother) Space for Monsters


·       Closing discussion with Bastien Goursaud (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)

Looking back at Poets & Critics; Looking forward to Kapil in translation: a moment to reflect on and discuss today with Kapil.


Goûter Break / Walk


18h-20h       Retrospective Reading with Bhanu Kapil + Closing Buffet

At : Maison de l’étudiant, Hall d’entrée,

1 rue Alfred Werner, 68200 Mulhouse (Campus Illberg)


Bhanu Kapil’s retrospective reading of her works will be accompanied by UHA Master students and visiting author's translations of extracts into numerous languages, including French, German, Tamil, Arabic, Kabyle, Armenian, Tamazight, Russian, and Turkish. Readers include: Bastien Goursaud, Mohamed Tahar Arkab, Fatma Benhamou, Thiziri Reurig, Ludivine Delacote, Mannel Hammad, Dulakshika Kalaichelvan, Yanis Loukkad, Inès Messied, Bochra Mestari, Sirvard Mikaelyan, Camille Roussel, Arij Shaaban, Jean Walter and Alice Winling.



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ILLE Conference and Journée d'Etude "The Somatics of Bhanu Kapil’s Emigrant/Immigrant Line"